Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Well so it begins...

 So.. I decided to start blogging due to what someone said to me and I quote.."I think it's very helpful for us and for them, to share with others. Many of the women who have written personal stories for the blog have found it cathartic to write. And I know a lot of preemie moms follow my blog so you never know who you might help or inspire with your strength.". This is for my sake! Maybe I will be able to give myself some form of sanity this way. If along the way I help someone else, that makes it even more worth it!

 Personally, I don't care if anyone ever reads this. If you do, Thank You!

 Today, is also a Wonderful day to start, Why you ask?? Well, today is my 20th Wedding Anniversary! Who knew My Hubby and I would make it that far! Since most of our friends have been married more than once now! Our life hasn't been all peaches and cream, but who's life is, married or not!

I'll talk about many a things here... As the blog title states, My Life through my eyes!! I won't put on rose colored glasses for anyone. It's all me or nothing!

Until later, it is almost 4 in the morning now! Good night, sweet dreams, and may you be blessed!